Thursday, December 13, 2012

Led Zeppelin

I’ll be honest and say that I’ve never listened to a single minute of Led Zeppelin before this morning. They symbolize a new generation of rock and roll and act as the epitome of an entire side of rock and roll that was unleashed. After diving into some early Led Zeppelin albums, I can now definitely see why they could be argued to be one of the most influential bands of rock and roll. While they have their strengths and weaknesses like every artist/band, they seem to revolutionize music at the time. With Led Zeppelin, we most notably see the rise of heavy metal and harder forms of rock and roll that sprung later on in history. While heavy metal takes hard rock too far for my liking, Led Zeppelin’s early stage of this hard rock is very appealing.

Led Zeppelin seemed to be a pretty versatile band as well. I have been having a difficult time categorizing them under any one particular genre of music. They mix together sounds from blues and hard rock together to create an amazing blend. I don’t always like the swing-like sounds of blues, but Led Zeppelin works with the music in a way that seems to highlight only the best of each genre they fuse. Additionally, I noticed that individual songs could be almost polar opposites from one another. Two of my favorite songs on their first album were completely different from one another. The first song showed a wild and crazed atmosphere while the latter had a softer blues dominated sound. I thought that both were talent-filled songs on their own, but the fact that they were adjacent on an album made me feel like I was going on a little musical journey.

Led Zeppelin is a group of very talented musicians: there is definitely no arguing this statement. They had a total of four band members; one guitarist, one bassist, one drummer, and one vocalist. These four guys usually each only played a single instrument yet they filled up so much space with their music. I was truly impressed in the raw talent of Page and Jones because they made their instruments make such a dynamic sound. In order to make anything equivalent today in modern music, I think that they would have to heavily edit it in the studios and computer-generate countermelodies. The fact that they could just go on stage and play such insane chords and melodies is wild to contemplate. Overall, it’s simply hard for me to articulate my appreciation of their instrumental capacity because it is so astounding.

Despite being some of the best musicians around, they lack some of the sustenance found in other bands because their lyrics are slacking in a lot of their songs. They were no Bob Dylan! They had basic lyrics that focused a lot on simply rhyming instead of making a fluid story. I didn’t really hyper-focus on this issue, however, because it is negligible in the entire listening experience. I doubt that any people listen to Led Zeppelin because they want to be inspired by their powerful message. No! People listen to Led Zeppelin because their songs have wild and insane instrumentals. This band was saved by the fact that they were so good at playing their respective instruments. It distracts me from the lack of lyrical depth and makes me satisfied with the insane melodies.

I enjoyed Led Zeppelin’s first album more than their second so I figured I would draw from some songs there to post. Referencing above when I talked about two polar opposite songs, I’ll post them below. The first song is called “Dazed and Confused” and I feel that the title is very representative of the overall aura the song emits. Throughout the song, they are able to keep a chaotic and wild sound present, while also maintaining a full musical arc and organization. There is just overall strength and power oozing out of this song. If rebellion had a theme song, I think it would be this one. Led Zeppelin simply take the art of “in your face” hard rock to another level. It is constantly insane and wild. It’s pretty great.

The very next song on the album is called “Your Time is Gonna Come”. They start off with classical music with organs aiding a slow introduction. They then gradually develop into a bluesy vibe and a great contrasting swing beat and rhythm. This song is so much different than the previous song that I probably wouldn’t even realize that I was listening to the same band if they were played separately! This song is definitely filled with talent, though. While still throwing in their amazing guitar skills, they control their unleashed passion and anger from “Dazed and Confused” and package it up nicely in a blues/softer rock tune. We can really see the vocals take a commanding presence as well in this song. Check it out:

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